infolinia: +48 22 123 06 49
Customer Service We’re available: 24/7
Off season: from Monday to Friday between: 8.00-16.00
tel.:+ 48 22 123 06 49(cost of telephone connection in line with operators’ tariffs)
Complaints and requests [email protected]
SALE OF COMMERCIAL SPACE ON BIKES:+48 512 314 353[email protected]
Sponsored stations: +48 22 123 01 00[email protected]
Officetel.: + 48 22 208 99 90e-mail: [email protected]
Nextbike Polska S.A. in restructuringul. Przasnyska 6B, 01-756 WarszawaKRS 0000646950NIP: 895-198-10-07REGON: 021336152
1. Controller of your personal data is Nextbike Polska S.A in restructuring with its registered seat in Warsaw (01-756), ul. Przasnyska 6b.
2. Data controller may be contacted by means of an email address [email protected], contact form at the address, via telephone by calling +48 22 208 99 90 or in writing by sending a letter to the address of the seat of Nextbike Polska S.A in restructuring.
3. The Controller has appointed Personal Data Inspector who may be contacted by means of an email [email protected], contact form, at the address, via telephone by calling +48 22 208 99 90 or in writing by sending a letter to the address of the seat of Nextbike Polska S.A. in restructuring. The Personal Data Inspector may be contacted regarding all matters concerning the processing of personal data and executing entitlements related to the data processing.
4. Your personal data will be processed for the purpose of: handling claims or granting replies to questions sent by means of the contact form - legal basis for the processing shall be legally justified interest of the Controller; legally justified interest of the Controller is to facilitate handling claims and granting replies to questions submitted in particular by persons interested in services provided by Nextbike Polska S.A. in restructuring, monitoring and improving the quality of services, including customer service - legal basis for the processing shall be legally justified interest of the Controller; legally justified interest of the Controller is enabling improvement of the quality of services provided by Nextbike Polska S.A. in restructuring.
5. Your personal data may be passed on to the suppliers of IT services who act at the order of Nextbike Polska S.A. in restructuring.
6. Your personal data will be processed for the period of time necessary for handling claims or granting replies by Nextbike Polska S.A in restructuring.
7. Your personal data will be processed on the basis of legally justified interest of the Controller; you will be entitled to object against the processing of your personal data due to reasons related to your individual situation.
8. You will be entitled to access your data and demand their amendment, removal or limiting their processing as well as the right to submit a complaint to the supervisory organ that handles the protection of personal data in a member state of your usual stay or at the place of work or the place of conduct of the alleged breach.
9. Indication of personal data is necessary in order to handle claims or grant replies to questions by Nextbike Polska S.A. in restructuring. Lack of indication of personal data will result in lack of possibility to handle claims or grant replies to your queries.